Computer Hardware and software

Hardware is that the term given to the physical components of a computer: e.g. keyboard, monitor, system box or disk drive. Software, on the other hand, is electronic information: files, OS, graphics, computer programs are all example of software. The difference between hardware and software reflects the duality between the physical and mental worlds: as an example, your brain is hardware, whereas your mind is software.


Hardware are those components or physical pieces (things you'll touch) that compose the pc. the varied pieces of the computer's hardware are monitor, speakers, mouse, CDROM, floppy drive, hard drive, keyboard, CPU, RAM, Processor, etc. each bit plays employment within the operation of a computer.

Example Of Hardware

1. Mouse


3.Hard drive

Hard drive


Software is that the things that makes your computer do things for you. the pc without software would be kind of a home entertainment system with no tapes, CDs, or movies you've the machine, but there's nothing to play there on. Software is continually developed. when the software maker (Microsoft, Adobe, Corel, etc)

develops a novel version of their software they assign it a version number. Before Microsoft Word 7, there was Microsoft Word 6.0.1, and before that Word 6.0. The larger the developments made to the software, the larger the version number changes. Usually an oversized change will result in a whole number upgrade; a tiny low change may end in a tenth of a decimal place.